Saturday, April 22, 2023


Myths vs facts about laparoscopic hernia surgery

 Laparoscopic hernia surgery is a common surgical procedure that is used to repair a hernia. A hernia occurs when an organ, especially the intestines, protrudes through a weak spot in one's abdominal wall. There are many myths surrounding laparoscopic hernia surgery that can cause confusion and anxiety for patients. Here, a laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Nashik will take us through the common myths and facts about laparoscopic hernia surgery.

Myths vs facts about laparoscopic hernia surgery

What are some common myths vs facts about laparoscopic hernia surgery?

1. Myth: Laparoscopic hernia surgery is not as effective as open surgery.

Fact: Laparoscopic hernia surgery has been shown to be just as effective as open surgery for repairing hernias. In fact, some studies suggest that laparoscopic hernia surgery may have a lower rate of recurrence compared to open surgery.

2. Myth: Laparoscopic hernia surgery is more painful than open surgery.

Fact: According to the best hernia surgeon in Nashik, a laparoscopic hernia surgery is typically associated with less pain compared to open surgery. This is because the incisions made during laparoscopic surgery are smaller, resulting in less tissue damage and a faster recovery time.

3. Myth: Laparoscopic hernia surgery is only suitable for small hernias.

Fact: Laparoscopic hernia surgery can be used to repair both small and large hernias. However, the size and location of the hernia may affect the surgeon's decision on which type of surgery to perform.

4. Myth: Laparoscopic hernia surgery requires a longer recovery time.

Fact: Laparoscopic hernia surgery typically results in a faster recovery time compared to open surgery. Patients may be able to return to normal activities, including work, within a few days to a few weeks after surgery.

If you are diagnosed with hernia, get an appointment with a hernia surgeon to know if you need traditional surgery or laparoscopic surgery for your condition.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


Is Bariatric Surgery A Safe Procedure?

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery refers to a surgical procedure that helps individuals struggling with obesity lose weight by reducing the size of their stomach or limiting the absorption of nutrients. While bariatric surgery has been found to be an effective tool for long-term weight loss and improvement in overall health, the safety of the procedure is often a major concern for individuals considering this option. Read to know whether it is safe from a bariatric surgery doctor.

Bariatric Surgery is a safe procedure

Safety of bariatric surgery

The safety of bariatric surgery has improved significantly in recent years, thanks to advancements in surgical techniques and the use of minimally invasive procedures. Moreover, bariatric surgery has been found to have several health benefits beyond just weight loss.

Studies have shown that the procedure can lead to significant improvements in conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, and sleep apnea. In fact, as per a bariatric surgery doctor in Nashik, it is the most effective treatment for obesity-related conditions and can lead to significant improvements in overall health and quality of life.

However, it is important to note that not everyone is a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery. The procedure is generally recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of forty or higher or a BMI of thirty-five or higher with at least one obesity-related health condition. Additionally, individuals considering bariatric surgery should undergo a thorough evaluation by a bariatric surgeon to assess their overall health and suitability for the procedure.

Bariatric surgery is generally a safe and effective tool for long-term weight loss and improvement in overall health. So, if you develop any health-related condition due to obesity or if your doctor asks you to lose weight, reach out to a bariatric surgery doctor. They will examine your medical history and tell you if you must undergo weight loss surgery. In case of surgery, they will suggest a proper follow-up care routine so that you experience a quick recovery.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Appendicitis: Causes and treatment

treatment of appendicitis

Appendicitis causes your appendix to become inflamed. It can lead to pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. As inflammation gets worse, the pain increases and becomes severe. Below, a gastroenterologist in Nashik lists the causes and treatment of appendicitis. 

Causes of appendicitis

According to a gastrointestinal specialist in Nashik, appendicitis can occur when your appendix becomes obstructed or blocked. Several factors can cause blockage of your appendix. Some of them have been listed below.
  1. Intestinal worms
  2. Buildup of hardened stool
  3. Enlarged lymphoid follicles
  4. Tumours
  5. Traumatic injury

There are also several risk factors for appendicitis, such as-


Appendicitis can affect teenagers and people in their twenties. However, people of any age can develop this condition. 


Appendicitis is more common in men than in women. 

Family history

People who have got a family history of appendicitis are at a greater risk of developing the condition.

Symptoms of Appendicitis

In case you notice any of the following symptoms, you must visit a gastrointestinal specialist to get diagnosed and treated for appendicitis. 

  • Prolonged constipation
  • Low fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal tenderness or pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Swollen belly
  • Inability to release gas
  • Nausea and vomiting

Treatments of appendicitis by a gastroenterologist

Most people who suffer from appendicitis require appendectomy, a procedure that removes the appendix. If the appendix has not ruptured, surgery prevents the rupture and the infection from spreading. 

Before you undergo surgery, your gastroenterologist will give you IV antibiotics to treat the infection. Mild appendicitis can get better with the help of antibiotics. During the course of your antibiotics, your doctor will check how the treatment is working and whether or not you need surgery. However, it is the only way to treat the abdominal infection when your appendix ruptures.

Nowadays, most appendectomies are done with a laparoscopic procedure which means small incisions are made in your abdomen. This minimally invasive approach enables you to heal quickly with less pain. In case the appendix ruptures, major surgery will be required.

We have discussed the causes and treatment of appendicitis. Reach out to a gastroenterologist to review your symptoms and check whether you have the condition. In case you get diagnosed with appendicitis, your doctor will be able to suggest a suitable treatment for you.


Monday, January 23, 2023


Treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: Explains gastroenterologist

gastroenterologist in nashik

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a type of disorder that causes pain and swelling along with chronic inflammation in your intestines. IBD includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Both these types affect your digestive system. Below, a gastroenterologist in Nashik explains the types of inflammatory bowel disease and their treatments.

Types of Inflammatory bowel disease

1. Crohn's disease

According to a gastrointestinal specialist in Nashik, Crohn's disease causes swelling and pain in your digestive tract. It can affect any part between the mouth and the anus. Usually, it affects the upper part of your large intestine along with the small intestine.

2. Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis causes sores and swelling in your large intestine (rectum and colon).

Treatments for Inflammatory bowel disease

According to the best gastroenterologist in Nashik, these are the most suitable treatments for Inflammatory bowel disease.

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for treating ulcerative colitis. These drugs include aminosalicylates like Dipentum, Colazal, Delzicol, and Rowasa. The medication you take depends on the area of the colon that is affected.

2. Antibiotics

Antibiotics can be used with other medications as prescribed by your doctor when there is a concern about infection. Such antibiotics include metronidazole and ciprofloxacin.

The medications that may be given to relieve your IBD symptoms are as follows.

If you have mild pain, your doctor will recommend Tylenol and other pain relievers. 

Anti-diarrheal medications include fibre supplements that relieve mild or moderate diarrhoea. 

3. Immune system suppressors 

These drugs suppress the immune responses that release chemicals into your body, inducing inflammation. These chemicals can damage the lining of your digestive tract.

4. Surgery

Surgeries are recommended if the above treatments are not effective in treating IBD.

Surgery for ulcerative colitis removes your entire rectum and colon, and the production of the internal pouch attached to your anus that allows movements of bowels without any bag.

Surgery for Crohn's disease removes the damaged portion of the digestive tract and reconnects it with the healthy parts. This surgery can be used for closing drain abscesses and fistulas.

We have mentioned above the treatments for Inflammatory bowel disease. If you find blood in your stool or suffer from recurrent diarrhea, consult a top gastroenterologist to see whether you have the disease and to know which treatment will be the most suitable for you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Femoral hernia: Causes, symptoms & diagnosis

laparoscopic hernia surgery

When a tissue pushes through the weak spot of the muscle wall of the inner thigh or groin, a femoral hernia occurs. Below, a hernia doctor describes the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of a femoral hernia. 

Causes of femoral hernia

You may have a femoral hernia if you were born with a weak area in the femoral canal or if the area becomes weak over time. Straining can result in the weakening of your muscle walls. A laparoscopic hernia surgery specialist in nashik states below the factors that cause overstraining. 
  1. Chronic constipation
  2. Being overweight
  3. Childbirth
  4. Heavy lifting
  5. Chronic coughing

Symptoms of femoral hernia

Usually, people with a femoral hernia do not experience any symptoms. However, as per a laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Nashik, in severe cases, a femoral hernia can cause the following symptoms.

  1. Groin discomfort that becomes worse when lifting, straining, or standing
  2. Nausea
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Vomitting
One apparent symptom can be a lump on the upper groin or inner thigh. This can be painful or tender and might disappear when the person lies down. Men are less likely to develop femoral hernia than women because females have a broader pelvic structure.

Diagnosis of femoral hernia

The best hernia surgeon will do a physical examination by gently touching the area to check whether you have a femoral hernia. If the femoral hernia is large, the bulging will be felt.

Ultrasound of the groin and abdominal area will be done to establish a diagnosis if your chances of having a femoral hernia are high, but no bulge is apparent during the physical examination. Imaging technology will show if there are defects in the muscle wall along with protruding tissue.

We have discussed the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of femoral hernia. If you experience any symptoms, consult a hernia doctor to know the best line of treatment for you.

Monday, December 19, 2022


Bariatric surgeon explains the benefits of having bariatric surgery

weight loss surgery

People who have obesity can have sustained weight loss through bariatric surgery which can improve their health and lifestyle significantly. Below, we will discuss the benefits of having bariatric surgery.

Top 5 benefits of having bariatric surgery

Improves cardiovascular health:

According to a bariatric surgery doctor in Nashik, bariatric surgery can reduce the risk of heart diseases such as peripheral heart disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke. It can also prevent the risk of death associated with myocardial infarction, hypertension, and stroke. 

Alleviates medical conditions:

Having weight loss surgery can alleviate metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease, and pregnancy complications. 

Remission for type 2 diabetes:

According to some studies, bariatric surgery helps in the remission of type 2 diabetes. The results of weight loss surgery show that it works effectively for people who have type 2 diabetes and obesity. It allows most patients to remain free of insulin and other medications related to these conditions for at least three years. 

Long-term weight loss and fast metabolism:

People who get bariatric surgery are able to maintain around fifty per cent of their weight loss following the surgery. As you lose weight, you can participate in more physical activities, which improves the ability of your body to burn fat more efficiently. Hormones like cortisol and insulin are reduced, which lowers the body’s fat storage. 

Improves fertility:

Bariatric surgery can improve fertility in women. As per the best bariatric surgeon in Nashik, bariatric surgery reduces the risk of miscarriage and improves menstrual cycles.

Longevity of life:

Obese individuals are often at risk of several medical conditions. However, these individuals can lose weight through bariatric surgery and live a longer and healthier life.

If you are suffering from obesity, you can consult a bariatric surgeon for weight loss surgery and improve your quality of life.


Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Top 5 signs you will require hernia surgery: By a laparoscopic surgeon

Best hernia surgeon in nashik

Our muscles are responsible for holding our organs in place. These muscles sometimes break down, or these organs protrude through the muscle wall. It results in a swelling or a bulge called a hernia. Below, a laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Nashik discusses the top signs you will need hernia surgery.

Signs you will need a hernia surgery

A strangulated hernia: According to a laparoscopic hernia surgery specialist in Nashik, tissues such as the intestine can become trapped in your abdominal wall due to a hernia. Not treating it can lead to strangulation, which can cut off the blood’s supply to the tissue. To prevent this, you will need to undergo hernia surgery.

1. Nausea and vomiting: Vomiting and nausea can become a severe condition known as incarcerated hernia. In such cases, your doctor may recommend a hernia surgery if after a gentle push, your hernia does not go back to its original position.

2. Fever and hernia: If you have a hernia and are experiencing high fever due to it, it may indicate you need hernia surgery. It occurs when there is little blood supply due to a strangulated hernia. For this reason, you must not delay treatment and get in touch with the best hernia surgeon.

3. Excruciating pain: You may have a visible and painful bulge in your groin or any other abdominal part. Once you start having excruciating pain, your hernia doctor will recommend getting immediate surgery.

4. Constipation: Constipation can also be an indication of a blockage in the large intestine that interferes with your digestion. Blood in stool or constipation can also cause a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. If you experience this symptom, you may need hernia surgery.

If you have a hernia, you will need to look out for the aforementioned signs for getting surgery. Consult with your doctor to know the line of treatment that will be best suitable for you.